Like many young producers who wake up one morning to discover a folder of 808 drum samples on their laptops, Milo McBride stumbled into electronic music via a winding musical path. Following a stint playing garage rock in his own Milo and the Fuzz trio, he turned his attention to more synthesized pursuits, and has been refining his array of space-fostering club tracks ever since. His latest production, “Losaand,” is a melancholic take on what post-apocalyptic dance music might sound likeā€”the spare kick and hollow atmosphere seem less concerned with actually moving bodies than with the idea of movement in space. McBride explores the concept with a layer of chords that creep in from below and seem to only hint at the notes they contain. Despite “Losaand”‘s sepulchral interior, the intent of its subtly aching production and its ability to connect with the listener are crystal clear.
