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How rad would it be if up-and-coming, genre-defying beat makers like Clams Casino provided the soundtrack for some of live television’s biggest moments? Wouldn’t it be doubly mindblowing to hear the misty expanse of a track like “Gorilla” (posted for download here) while seeing a space shuttle launch or watching your country win Olympic gold? Director Jamie Harley attempts to deliver this effect with his video for Casino’s closing track from his forthcoming Rainforest EP for Tri Angle by pairing the aforementioned jam with edited colorful live TV footage of magician David Copperfield performing one of his overblown feats. It’s a bit silly, to be sure, but when dramatic visuals of Copperfield hanging by his feet in mid-air while confined in a straitjacket are joined with the distorted crescendos of “Gorilla,” something clicks, and the whole project makes a lot more sense.

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