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When listening to the warbled, hiss-ridden tape music that comprises Matthewdavid‘s hazy debut LP for Brainfeeder, Outmind, certain words come to mind, like “journey” and “trip.” Not only because you get the feeling that the music itself is taking you somewhere as it wafts into your ears, but also because maybe the Southern California sound artist is taking his hometown’s beat music somewhere else, too. Similarly, this brand-new music video for Matthewdavid’s album cut “Noche y Dia / San Raphael” is a trip all of its own. Director Matt Amato uses pristine footage of a first-person view from a moving train to take you on his journey, which suddenly becomes more of a hallucinogenic trip. By the time the piece is over, we’ve arrived in another place altogether, and possibly in more ways than one.

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