Apparently, the dapper B-boy, who long ago spent his prom night charming Peanut Butter Wolf, now wants to start a doomsday cult. But never mind Seven Seals‘ tacky, occultist artwork—James Pants is still a charmer. He holes himself deep into a scuzzy, ramshackle noise and his mess is simply immaculate. Pants oddly clashes punk thrash with medieval Kraftwerk synth riffs on “Beyond Time,” while “Wash to Sea” finds him cleverly revising Joy Division as a lounge act. Everything clicks on hazy R&B numbers “A Chip in the Hand” and “Aqua Sun,” where genuine psychdelica arises from echo-fried vocals, lysergic-electro keyboard riffs, and gritty, ka-thunking beats—it’s fine music for ceremonially sacrificing lambs.