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In writing about contemporary music and the images occasionally paired with such sounds, words like hazy, foggy, and murky are often batted around—especially in regards to the fresh crop of artists popping up as of late. But rarely are those descriptors so apt as with this video for the closing track from Caribou’s year-end-list-toppingSwim LP. This piece for “Jamelia” was created by production outfit Video Marsh, a trio of artists with a serious penchant for small bodies of water and the wildlife that surrounds them. Stare into the entrancing shallows of tide pools, lovingly shot close up and in extremely low contrast. Marvel as tiny crabs crawl across the protagonist’s palm and an eagle soars majestically above her head. Gasp in fear and bewilderment as a man suddenly appears, wielding a sword, and gives chase to our curious nature lover. And above all, listen closely to the excellently crafted and intimately epic music providing the soundtrack for the whole affair.

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