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Brooklyn’s William Burnett is a man of many aliases. Some may know him as Willie Burns, others as Speculator, and others still from one of his many collaborative projects. Burnett’s latest release falls under the guise of Black Deer, a new alias interested in exploring the more psychedelic-tinged ends of dance music, and whose “Strike 3” cut has been given a cyberspace-referencing video accompaniment. Black Deer’s clip proves to be a short film of sorts, one which takes place in a retro-minded dystopian future chock full of ambiguous symbolism, and takes the time to include an alien abduction and to blow up the earth with a massive laser. It’s hard to argue with playfully DIY sci-fi visuals like that. Black Deer’s self-titled debut EP—for which “Strike 3” serves as its closing cut—is out now via the Peak Oil label.