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This blissful head nodder of a remix from UK-based Star Slinger has received an enchanting video treatment thanks to the work of visual artist Anže Sekelj and photographer Lucijan Kranjc (together known as How Do I Computer). Overlaying intricate light patterns, the Slovenian duo gives what would otherwise be the more-or-less benign scenes that make up the video a stunning visual effect which is said to attempt to “add motion to non-moving objects in real space without physically interfering with the environment and trying to give a new perspective with portraying the intangible in marriage.” Heavy stuff, right? This remix, along with three others, can be found on Gold Panda‘s Marriage EP, which is out now digitally on Ghostly, or, if you’re lucky enough to find a copy that wasn’t snatched up on Record Store Day, 12″ vinyl.

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