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According to a study by Professor Steven Reiss, there are about 16 basic desires that drive all human behavior. Even though just a small handful of those motives could be relevant to any given situation, it’s never all that easy to deduce which of those 16 desires is inhabiting the person you’re interacting with. And as this video for “Close to Me,” a collaborative tune from Teams‘ and Star Slinger‘s new LP on Mexican Summer, shows, it’s even harder to tell with aliens. Director Jordan Kim presents the story of a lone girl reading in a coffee shop who rushes out of the establishment after a little green man in a trenchcoat winks at her—leaving her keys behind. The alien rushes after her, seemingly interested in returning the lost item to the hapless young lady; then things start to get really interesting. Watch the whole story unfold up top, and check out a fresh mix Star Slinger just did to promote his upcoming performance at London’s Fabric club next Thursday, April 21, here.

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