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When we posted the MP3 for The Books‘ latest leak off their forthcoming album, The Way Out, we likened “A Cold Freezin’ Night” to the infamous sadistic intro to Wu-Tang’s “Method Man.” But if we had to compare the video for the duo’s new song to anything, we’d say it’s something like a homemade version of America’s Funniest Home Videos, but, of course, on plenty of assorted psychedelics. Children are captured on VHS camcorders playing with dolls, fighting, sliding through the mud, dancing, and shooting massive guns, among other things. Since Paul de Jong and Nick Zammuto made the video, we could safely assume this will be part of The Books’ audio/visual performance once they take The Way Out on tour, which also explains the intricate editing and massive amounts of footage the duo squeezed into the piece’s three and a half minutes.